- Definition of ESP: ESP is teaching or learning English that focuses on language use. ESP also related to particular career or jobs.
- Types of ESP:
- A. English for occupational purposes (eop)”participant needs English to perform all or part of his occupational duties.”
- B. English for academic purpose (EAP) “parcipant needs English to persue part of all of his studies.”
- Phases in the development of ESP: A. register analysis- register is related to social context. At first, register analysis was used to design esp course. B. rhetorical and discourse analysis- it focuses on the communicative values and the performance of acts of communication and develop material based on functions. C. target situation analysis- it based on what is the learner purpose. D. analysis of study skill and strategies- it preferred learning styles and strategies in esp course. E. analysis of learning needs- this stages concern in language use. It is highlighted that different student learn in different ways according to their needs.
- The differences between GE (General English) and ESP: a. age- GE is taught for every general student buit ESP has specified for the adult learners. B. skill- GE contains all 4 language skills : listening, reading, writing, speaking, but ESP needs more analysis which language skill are most needed by students. C. context and content- GE class gives context that students need to understand the English of the classroom but ESP class are shown how the subject matter content is expressed in English.
- Who can teach GE and ESP: GE programme is taught by GE teacher and ESP programme is taught by ESP practitioner (have ESP qualifications or have trained)
- Ways of equipping esp teacher: a. pre-service-is performed after undergraduate study. B. in-service- is for language teacher to establish a second field of expertise (professional). C. collaborative work (team teaching)- language teacher collaborate with some expert teams to train the content subject.
- Curriculum, syllabus and course: a. curriculum is general concept of an educational programme. B. syllabus is the content or subject matter of a particular individual subject course. C. course refers to a real series of lessons.The difference between them: curriculum refers to the totality of the content to be taught. Curriculum is wider term as syllabus. Syllabus is limited to particular subject of a particular class. Course is the details of individual lessons, thus, course is the details of each lesson but according to the syllabus.