Sunday, November 20, 2011

Music Today - HEADPHONE

I love music so much. And a little thing that I never forgotten is HEADPHONE. But what do you think about headphone? Lets check this one out…
1.       Definition and history
Headphone is a small loudspeaker and it used to user’s ears by connecting with signal source. Headphone also known as stereophones, headsets or colloqually cans. The history of headphone is originated from the old telephone earpiece in 20th century and it develop with brandes radio headphone.
2.       Applications
In  the context of music, Headphone can be used both with fixed equipment such as CD or DVD players, home teather, personal computer and with portable devices (e.g. digital audio player / mp3 player, mobile phone, etc). In the professional audio sector, headphone are used in live situations by disk jockeys with a DJ mixer and sound engineers for monitoring signal sources. In te context of telecommunication the term headset is used to describe a combination of headphone and microphone used for two – way communication for example with a telephone.
3.       Types of headphones
Listener choice the types of headphone by the particular needs of the listener. Generally, headphone form factors can be devided into four separate categories, such as circumaural, supra-aural, earbud and in-ear.
a.       Circumaural
Circumaural headphones have large pads that surround the outer ear. Because of the size, circumaural haedphones can be heavy .
b.      Supra-aural
Supra-aural headphones have pads that sit on top of the ears, rather than around them. This type of headphone generally tends to be smaller and more lightweight than circumaural.
c.       Earbuds
Headphone of a much smaller size that are placed directly outside of the ear canal, but without fully enveloping it. During 1990s and 2000s , earbuds became a common type bundled eith personal music devices.
d.      In-ear
In-ear extends into the ear canal, providing isolation from outside noise (block out environmental noise.
4.       Headphone work system
headphone have three important component, such as jack, cable and speaker. The function of Jack is as connector for the sound maker,  cable have a thin fillament inside and the speaker is the media for sounds output. The process start from a sound that change into wave signal and then the signal go to the thin fillament to cable before go into speaker. Then the signal continue to speaker, in speaker there is a change of signal—then the signal will produce into the sound.
5.       Benefits of headphone
a.       Portable, easy to bring every where if you want to listening to the music because the size is small
b.      The sound is produce will hear clearly
c.       The voice is not scattered,  so doesn’t disturb another people  

6.       Lacks of headphone
a.       The produce sound’s wave is very big, and the waves can deafened our ears
b.      Used the headphone too long give an effect for user’s ears bacteria inflate faster, espesially earphone, because the air doesn’t change with outside area is close.
c.       If you use headphone you can make people is annoyed, because if they call you, you can’t hear because of your ears cover with headphone
d.      Thin filllament inside headphone’s cable easy to interrupted
7.       How to use headphone but not interude our health?
a.       Try to release the earphone every 20 minutes
b.      Don’t set the volume is too big, If you can’t hear the voice around you, please lower the voice
c.       Choose the player music which the sound less than 95 decibel
8.         Where you can buy the headphone and how about the price?
It’s easy to find the headphone. We can buy the headphone in electronic shop, handphone shop and another place such as shopping mall . And the prices is various start from 35000 until 120000 rupiahs.

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